Group News
- Group News:
September 2020:
September 2020: Congratulation to Reshma for admission in MS program atTechnical University of Darmstadt (TU Darmstadt), Germany
Congratulations to Shaswat for accepting a Ph.D position at IISER Kolkata
July 2020: First Doctoral Committee meeting of Mukaddar and Gayathri completed.
June 2020: Congratulations to Swamy to receive prestigious "HPC-EUROPA3 TRANSNATIONAL ACCESS PROGRAMME" fellowship. He is scheduled to visit Dr. Stroppa in Italy for 3 months.
February 2020: Aafreen gave a contributed oral presentation on Polar Metals in International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2020) January 6-8th 2020, IIT KGP, India
November 30th, 2019- Feb.14, 2020: Saurabh gave 8 invited talks and 1 keynote talk.
January 2020: Monirul's PRB is online
January 2020: Congratulations Mukkadar for CSIR-NET-JRF !
December 2019 : Welcome Gayathri and Mukaddar in the Group
August 2019 : Congratulations to Monirul to promoted as DST-Inspire Senior Research Fellow (Examiner: renowned scientist and teacher, Prof. Chandan Dasgupta, IISc, Bangalore)
July 2019: Welcome Swamy in the group.
May 2019: Saurabh got two SERB Core Research Grands (one PI and another as Co-PI) for 3 years
December 18, 2018: Saurabh gave an invited talk on 'Polar Metals' in 'National Conference on Electronic Structure' held December 17-19, SRM IST KTR, Cheanni.
14-15 September, 2018: SRM IST and IIT Madras had jointly conducted International Worshop on Electronic Structure:
International Workshop on Evolution of Electronic Structure Theory & Experimental Realisation Organised by SRMIST and IIT Madras In association with MRSI Subject Group OnComputational Material Science & MRSI Chennai Chapter11 - 13 September 2018 - SRM IST, Chennai, India, 14 - 15 September 2018 - IITM, Chennai, India
August 5-8, 2018: Saurabh visited PSG College of Technology and Amrita University in Coimbatore, TN and gave invited colloquium talks. Possibility of future collaboration has been discussed.
July 1, 2018 : Congratulations to Monirul for qualifying in The SLET exam (eligibility for Assistant Professor position in government colleges and universities in West Bengal)!
June 18, 2018: Asif and Shaswat joined FMD group as M.Sc. project student
May 25, 2018, Advances in Materials Research and Simulation, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, Jadavpur, West Bengal, India organised by Saurabh, Tishita, Moumita and Paromita in the honor of Prof. G.P. Das's journey in IACS.
January 2019: Congratulations to Monirul for prestigious DST Inspire fellowship 2018.
Jan 10, 2018: Saurabh's paper on 'Magnetic polar metal' has been accepted in prestigious American Physical Society March meeting 2018 for contributed oral presentation in Los Angeles, CA, USA.
February 17, 2018: Moniul joined FMD group as PhD research scholar
Jan 2, 2018: Aafreen joined FMD group as PhD research scholar
October 2, 2017: What a coincidence ! Two PRLs accepted on the same day.
July 22, 2017 : Dr. Ghosh along with Dr. Thapa (Associate Professor, SRM Research Institute) delivered invited lecture at the Workshop in Nano Computing at Valliammai Engineering College, Kattankulathur, India. It was nice interacting with young under-graduate students.